Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ben Roethlisberger and Ashley Harlan: Roethlisberger Honeymoon Album

Ben Roethlisberger and Ashley Harlan got married and then went on a honeymoon.

This is my approximation of the resulting album…

It's Nice. It's quaint.

Okay, so apparently it behooves SEO (which is how daddy gets his moneys) that I post most pictures with some form of written accompaniment...thus, from here on out prepare to get your read on.

Part One:

Today's subject is Ben Roethlisberger; a (very) good quarterback/born-again pretty decent-seeming guy who I feel just a little bit guilty for making fun of (my morals are killer).

Thus, I feel like I should belatedly preface today’s entry with the following:

I have nothing against Ben Roethlisberger, save for the rape.

Part Two:

I think it would behoove me, and perhaps be more fair to Ben (again, killer morals), to delve a little bit further into my own psychology.

I’m not particularly versed in the art of seducing women.

In fact, if Wilt Chamberlain’s memoir were called “20,000,” mine would be called “One, via technicality.”

It’s possible I’m jealous of anyone who’s consistently having sex.

Just wanted to throw that out there for fairness sake.

That, and I’m a Browns fan.

Roethlisberger really has no chance on this blog.

By Ryan + Nico, and currently exclusive to (That said, I’m taking offers.)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Dan Gilbert and LeBron James: Moving on...

Dan Gilbert moves on from LeBron James...

By Ryan + Aron, for Cavs: the Blog.

Luke Harangody dunks the ball in Space!

Luke Harangody can dunk a basketball in space.

Nice tan Harangody...

Also, he's black.

- Courtesy of my racist cousin Adam, now 2 for 2.

(Editor's note/note that Adam's mom made me type: He's not really racist; he's seven. Also, this time I may have had some influence in the black Harangody. And by "had some influence," I mean that I told my cousin to draw the Irish guy black so as to continue the amusing trend of racial errors in his work. Thanks for contributing, Adam. You're awesome, and we look forward to your upcoming piece, "Asian Dan Gilbert," which will be featured on the blog in a few weeks.)

By Adam + Ryan.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Funny Plates: Buddhist Plates believe in Recycling

Our second "Funny Plate," the Buddist Recycler Plate.

It's funny because Buddhists believe in reincarnation. (I Wikipedia'ed that to make sure.)

By Ryan, for, again, (Which isn't really a website.)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Funny Plates: Mr. Ed Hardy

The first ever "Funny Plate," Mr. Ed Hardy:

I have a lot of plates.

By Ryan, for

Sunday, August 14, 2011

CFAAP: God Hates Cleveland...

God Hates Cleveland...

I think there's one thing you may need to know re: this cartoon, and it's that the following is the city of Cleveland seal:

We've made a huge mistake...

By Ryan, for Cavs: the Blog.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

CFAAP: Daniel "Boobie" Gibson presents Daniel Gibson Boobies...

Daniel "Boobie" Gibson presents Daniel Gibson Boobies.

By Ryan + Aron, for Cavs: the Blog.

CFAAP: Chris Grant Bookmark

Chris Grant Bookmark...

From Cavs: the Blog:

New DFTNOCG coming soon (as in hopefully later today)!

In the meantime though, here’s something to tide you over.

A free Chris Grant bookmark!

You just print it out, cut along the border, then…voila.

You have the Cavs’ GM on a bookmark.

Literally available nowhere else.

Probably for a reason.

-Ryan “CFAAP” Braun

By Ryan + Aron.